As with any advice, I recommend you ask your Sacred Heart before doing the next steps you feel are aligned with you!!! YOUR Sacred Heart is the key!
Why metaphysical healing and the process I guide those who are called to me through?
Did you know 80% of what you think is your wound/beliefs… is NOT yours?!!! I guide you through the process of ALWAYS sending the wound/belief back to Source, NEVER back where it came from, for Source to transmute it back to Divine LOVE….leaving you lighter and more free to live life!!!
Clearing the charge – many people are not feeling their feelings to release it. Where two or more are gathered miracles can happen…and feelings that have been stuffed in for even decades RELEASE! leaving you freer to LIVE life in more peace, joy and love!!!
Inner Child to Wholeness – healing the wounded little girl/boy so you release/clear these wounds…you then no longer follow the program of living from a wounded place and start magnetizing what is truly yours to experience in this lifetime, more love, peace and joy!!!
Karmic De-Activation – karma is essentially what you give out is what you get back. You carry over negative karma to your next incarnation/lifetime…those items you did not resolve/release in this lifetime. WHY WAIT??? What we do here sets us up for where we go next. If, for example, you choose to stay in addictions (alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, cell phone, there are many!) you stay open to ALL sorts of energies that siphon/take your energy. What are you choosing? AND be gentle with yourself as you realize the initial belief that got you started may not even been yours (ie you as a child may have taken this on from anyone you were around from age zero to around age eight)? I can only choose for me. I choose to be FREE!!! I choose to forgive it all, especially KNOWING forgiving myself for my past closed the door to the past to truly be the true me NOW!!!
Other: animal protein: First, I recommend you check with your Sacred Heart…if it is best for you. Then, if your Sacred Heart says yes I recommend taking any and all actions you feel called to to work with the animal as best you can, as the indigenous people did, to honor and bring the highest frequency to the animal and thus to the meat. For example, blessing the food, blessing the animal, blessing all of those type (ie chicken, cow, etc). If you are no longer digesting meat well, I recommend asking your Sacred Heart if this is still best for you to eat meat…asking during your prayer/meditation time. There are now LOVELY options for plant proteins when you are ready!!! If you have animals in/around your home I recommend you ask their permission to be kept there, to stay in the highest honor for all life, honoring any and all agreements with all.
Bless you! Bless all those around you! This honors everyone where they are at since it IS where they are at, knowing change is made by choosing what is best for you, no matter what person, place or thing will try to convince you otherwise….YOUR ripple is larger than you can imagine.
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