As always, ask your Sacred Heart for guidance…no person, place, thing, energy is better guidance than your Sacred Heart. Once you allow your Sacred Heart to speak and start following the advice…it speaks more often and easier…every day. If you cannot hear your Sacred Heart yet, try holding your left hand over your Sacred Heart, then your right hand on top of your left hand when asking. Ask while in a space by yourself. Try saging the corners of the room you are in with a window open and command that energies not of the highest light are not allowed there and must leave now, and then having sage burning while you are asking your Sacred Heart. If you are around electronics I recommend plenty of selenite which helps clear the air and space around you. The more I clear my body by eating more whole, pure, organic foods, being in/around nature, 432/528 hz music for meditations….the easier it has been for me to hear my Sacred Hear
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