I am wording this in a way to send the message to those who need it, yet remain conscious that I am in no way sending out anything that will create further disharmonious behavior!
The item that came up today was regarding people engaging in and/or watching others engage in a certain activity, and the word for the energy that was feeding off of those watching or participating…since soul brother and soul sister, as we know the mind has thoughtforms that will put 1+1 together and put you in the scene and you will store it in your backpack as if you actually did this! And…if you did not know this, now you are aware.
Another day…ok, I am in the middle of a lengthy email when the two words popped in…and I know this is my life…it is all happening to see if I will choose to heal or stuff it and as you know, I no longer stuff anything. The divine plan places me…writing an email…able to choose what I give priority. Off goes all the internet, and into healing I GO!
I realize during my childhood, seeing me I am 4-7 years old…others are either watching or doing this where I am or close to where I am. I at that time can see what the feeding energies are doing to the people watching, and I am horrified…and I suction what I can off the adults and add it to my backpack…
Since then these energies have come around to see if I will engage in them…and I know they are not mine. Absence of love energies that are always ready for someone to open up just a little for them to swoop in and take over control of who you think you are…
I have had these two words come in 3…4…5…6 times prior to this as I change energy and become more of my true self during this last year. The last time I was just starting with the tools I now practice…and I suctioned out these energies from all around, in, and near me. Saged, thought I am done.
Now that I am in a new place of more loving and more healing…there are deeper layers I can access and heal, AND I DID!
My Sacred Heart confirmed I carried this energy for my ancestors, and also from prior lifetimes. As you may or may not know, we come in with grand plans of what we would like to heal during this life…. Many many tears with my ancestors as I heard them thanking me in doing this soul healing work.
And again…I know, I chose to live this life from when I was born until now, to give me the best strategy to attempt to heal ALL I was born to heal…for layers to come up…and then choose to see, feel, process as is needed, and then (I AM LOVING THIS PART…karmically de-activate it for the long lasting generations healing effect!
Once you realize this…you realize what your mind wants you to think is yours…80% was never yours…though you didn’t know it…and you took it on as if it was yours…and then maybe acted out some of what the thoughtforms told you was yours…or continue to engage in these same behaviors that you may hate or shame yourself for…
UNTIL you realize WTF, if it was possible never mine to begin with, why not choose to say FUCK YES…I am going to heal this now!! And if you learn it was “yours” as in a prior incarnation that you engaged in this IN THIS LIFETIME to attempt again to heal it FOR GOOD…and you say…WOW I honored my divinity by stepping forward knowing I can release all this shame/anger/rage/hate/suffering…by saying NO MORE will I allow these absence of LOVE energies to control any part of my behavior! Because at the heart of it all…your pure heart…anything that is not pure love is NOT YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You choose in this free will universe, you choose. I bless you. I honor the divinity in you. Sending pure unconditional love from my heart to yours for the journey you have walked until now for the healing you can start…NOW. So many brave souls here came here in this time to try to heal it and be done with it NOW.
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